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Sunday 1 May 2011

THOR: Film review.

Ladies and gents I give you the first SCHEME9 movie review, by fans for fans, enjoy.

THOR: reveiwed by Joe 'Nightwing' MacDonald.

“Whoever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”

And so we have, Thor: The Movie. And it is good.

What is immediately likable about this movie is that it lays off the origins story. Unlike most comic book movies that use up 1/3 to ½ of the movie in trying to tell the origin of our protagonist , this dives into the action quite quickly. It does a great job of showing Thor as the petulant man-child of the early comics, and makes us immediately side with Odin when casting him down upon Midgard. The job of Odin sending his son to learn humility is played down, but is ultimately what the film is all about. And this plot points resolution is what the film aims to convey.

The characters are convincingly brought to the big screen by some well placed casting. Chris Hemsworth is the picture of the Norse God of Thunder, faithfully portraying the part. Hemsworth plays the character very well, managing to save it from the very real danger of being ridiculous and loud. His rival, Loki is also a particularly well acted out character. Tom Hiddleton shows some acting chops and delivers a convincing portrayal of the God of Mischief.

As far as staying faithful to the ‘look’ of the comics; if you want to see Jack Kirby’s Thor then you will be disappointed. This look is based in the more slick Olivier Coipel version of Thor and Asgard in particular looks spectacular..

Now, for the negative, which although don’t spoil the movie, are areas which can be found lacking. Now if you, like me, are a comic book fan boy, then you will of course notice the small inaccuracies from the comic with which nearly all of Marvels cinema exploits are dotted with. With regards to this particular film, these points remain minor.

The characters are quite faithfully represented, with quick introductions all round. Lady Sif and The Warriors Three, Odin and Heimdall and the eponymous Jane Foster are present and they are faithfully represented (almost), but there are times when a bit more character development could be used to flesh out their reasoning and why they act as they do. The romance between Thor and Jane Foster is somewhat underdeveloped. As opposed to the Nurse of the comics, she is a scientific researcher; a necessary sacrifice to bring Thor to the big screen, but it means that a lot of the connection between both characters is lost.

And finally, The Destroyer. The Destroyer is supposed to be an unstoppable soulless machine of destruction. Sadly, the destructive capabilities of such a machine is massively downplayed. The scene of Thor Vs Destroyer is incredibly short lived and should have, in my opinion, been a center-piece of the movie as opposed to a sideline.

All in all, this is a must-see movie for all comic book fans; a movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously, yet still delivers an enjoyable film with a great look and feel.

4 out of 5, cause nothings ever perfect.

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